• The second phase of RCH program i.e. RCH – II has been commenced from 1st April, 2005 the five year  file 2010.

• The main objective of the program is to bring about a change in mainly three critical health indicators i.e. reducing total fertility rate, infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate.

• Promotion of maternal and child health has been one of the most important components of the Reproductive child health programme of Govt. of India.

• RCH focuses not only the largest but most vulnerable group of the mother & the child to ensure child survival & safe motherhood besides educating adolescents. Dealing with health problems, which revolve around the triad of malnutrition, infection & consequence of unregulated fertility is the main priority of RCH

Objective: The overall objective to improve accessibility, availability and acceptability of health services by strengthening infrastructure including training and skill development of service providers, improving supply of equipment, drugs etc in an integrated and participatory manner and to bring them at par in this respect with rest of the population, and thus improving the aggregate indicators towards achieving the expected results. .

METHODOLY We are just plan the initial stages to recover these problems .no doubt these problems are growing day to day and we can’t say we eliminate these problems from the root and they disappear. we just help those peoples who are highly effected with these problems and we tried with our heart to help them to cure their lives and make a meaningful effect on their hearts and minds who are recovered they aware other peoples about the bad effects of these diseases so our approach is to start with this project with those peoples for a long life not for a limited years. we are working in project like the tree whose leaves scattered everywhere and aware the people to save their lives . But according to your time schedule we are making some initial steps to run this project HEALTH GOAL Goals: To improve the Reproductive & Child Health Status in Th Unnerved and underserved areas of the District Moga by the end of the project. OBJECTIVES:- Objective: The overall objective to improve accessibility, availability and acceptability of health services by strengthening infrastructure including training and skill development of service providers, improving supply of equipment, drugs etc in an integrated and participatory manner and to bring them at par in this respect with rest of the population, and thuss improving the aggregate indicators towards achieving the expected results. To increase the %age of complete ANC from 35% to 95% at the 3rd year. To decrease RTI/STI symptoms from74% to 10% at the end of the 3rd year. To increase %age institutional delivery from 54% to 95% at the end of the year. To increase the  %age of complete immunization from 35% to 99% at the end of the year. To improve the health status of adolescent girls and their sensitization on RCH issues from 20% to 90% at the end of the 3rd year. To reduce unmet need for limiting from 89% to 20% by the end of the project.