Tarn Taran is the 19th District drawn on the map of Punjab state in2006.Before this, this area was the part of Distt Amritsar. It is bounded by Amritsar District in north, Karputhla district in east, Pakistan in west, and Firozpur district in south. It covers an area of 2449 sq. km.Tarn taran has an average literacy rate of 70%, higher than the national average rate59%

District RCH Indicators
1 % Covered by Modern Method 87%
2. % Women Receiving Complete ANC 27.42%
3. % Deliveries Conducted in Institution 37.66%
4. % Deliveries Conducted by Skilled Birth Attendant 37.66%
5. % Immunization Status (Covered) 31.01%
6. % Girls Married below 18 Years 40.01%
7 % Men Age at Marriage 39.23%

Reproductive Child Health
RCH programme was launched in Indian on 15th October 1997 envisages provision of client centered, need based, good quality, integrated RCH services for improving the health of women and children. Under the RCH program all aspects of women’s reproductive health across their reproductive cycle, from puberty to menopause are covered. RCH program addresses the needs that have emerged over years of implementing Family Welfare Program. As opposed to the Family Welfare program, the RCH program aims to be more in tune with the ground realities concerning…

• Overall health needs of women and children,
• Implementation needs of health workers,
• Local demographic needs and conditions. Under this Programme the emphasis shifted to decentralize planning at district level based on assessment community needs and implementation of programme at  fulfillment of these

1. Effective Maternal & Child Health care.
2. Increased access to contraceptive care
3. Safe management of unwanted pregnancies.
4. Nutritional service to vulnerable groups.
5. Prevention and treatment of RTI/STI.
6. Reproductive Health services for adolescents.
7. Prevention and treatment of Gynecological Problems.
8. Screening and treatment of cancers specially uterine, cervical and breast