We create L.I.F.E.(living in family environment ) homes for children ,who are abandoned or orphaned and do not have natural families. Through our homes we promote families bonding, physical and material health and social integration of these children’s , who were otherwise abused physically as well as mentally.


  • We support the holistic development of deserving girl students from weaker sections of the society by providing them monetary help as well as mentoring
  • To impart knowledge and practical applications
  • To impart education and awareness in self reliance women, hygiene and sanitation
  • To empower women with skill
  • To impart socially relevant education to the beneficiaries through lectures
  • To augment the effectiveness of the women’s in self help groups to about awareness enlightens and a positive role in the society by women’s
  • To provide family life education to the identified adolescent girls
  • To create awareness reproductive rights and reproductive health through health education camps programs